Cityscape in New York City.

The new Gatsby Source Plugin!

Using the sanity source plugin your team can collaborate content model iteration, front-end look and feel as well as the actual content itself – all in real-time with instant previews.

Key features in the new Gatsby source plugin:

  • Real-time (as in milliseconds)
  • Frugal and fast builds
  • No types and fields left out by accident
  • Powerful Portable Text
  • ...all with minimal configuration

Minimal Configuration

Gatsby provides the least effort way to create a React based website with The

Quickly get started with structured content

What we love about Gatsby, is that it’s so easy to get going. Just put your content in some Markdown files, and write your templates against the internal GraphQL API. As much as we love Markdown, it has some important limitations:

  • Your text and images are contained to your website, and can’t easily be used elsewhere
  • You tend to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to add the authored content to your site, leaving you little control over the most important part of your website, the content.
  • You have to know Git in order to add and edit content

You guessed it, if files aren’t the answer, you’ll need an API. And to get a content API you need a Content Management System. And isn’t that usually a bit of a hassle to set up?

Not really! If you pop into your terminal and put in npm i -g @sanity/cli && sanity initand come back to this blog, you’re only minutes away from having a full-fledged headless CMS where you have complete control over the open source editing environment built in React, with a trouble-free real-time backend with some powerful APIs for both reading and writing. Where you can make as many forever free developer projects as you want – and pay as you go if you need a bit more resources for your projects, instead of the famous “steep tier jump”.

We also made a sample company website monorepo where you’re up and running in minutes with both a configured backend and frontend – ready to be tweaked and tailored for your own needs and deployed on either Netlify or Now (or both if you want full redundancy 😀).

Let’s take a closer look at the source plugin and what it does

Minimal Configuration

Gatsby provides the least effort way to create a React based website with The source plugin will automatically give you a comprehensive GraphQL API in Gatsby to all your content and types. We strongly recommend using the GraphiQL explorer to test queries and get familiar with the schema documentation. It’s super useful!

To get started with the